Monday, February 11, 2008
yo you maggots out there.. HAPPY NEW YEAR~ hopefully you are cash loaded at the end of the month and ready to spend it XD no matter what my new totally was spend at mac for 4 days >~work ,work and more work ~ crap lor ~ total only $364 i though should be somewhere $450+? o well i i strive so hard like a maggot ~ sainz diao ~ doing so much of OT then $0 ._. iwanna kill people liao. so many days of work my body totally shack man~ leg got injured swellled so i didnt went to school today... although i went down to collect pay my leg hurts alot .I totally had nothing but 2 spicy ,3 foldover ,1big breakfast and a sussage egg muffin & 4 cups of ice milo , 3 cups of green tea , 1 lime ade and finally 2 ice latte~ sick la~
o ya sun day shawn called me and i think i scolded him well didnt mean to only did cause i on work and crap the maggots who keep coming in .what to do rush lor to feed those hungry maggots .i apologise for giving ya that reaction but i recall that i told you working through out that new year ~ ....... bottom line sorry about that ~
Posted by ben at 7:38 AM